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Platelet Therapy was the only thing that ever helped me with my concussion symptoms. Thank you for giving me my life back … I owe you my life, forever grateful to have found this therapy.

Steve P.

I have Fibromyalgia, and daily activities are a constant struggle. After my Platelet Therapy injection, I was able to go to several grocery stores in one day, come home and play with my grandson and then actually cook dinner. All of this in one day and I did not even need a recovery day. This therapy has changed not only my life but my family’s too.

Nancie P.

Platelet Therapy altered my life forever. I was diagnosed with chronic Lyme at 19 and thought I was going to spend the rest of my life searching for something to take away the chronic fatigue, muscle and joint aches, and short-term memory complications. After my first injection I could not believe how good I felt in all aspects of my life. I have had multiple injections with no regression. I would highly recommend this therapy to anyone suffering from Lyme or any other Autoimmune disease.

Anna Y.

I received a Platelet Therapy™ injection for my covid long hauler symptoms. Approximately one week after receiving it, it was like a light switch went on! My headaches improved tremendously, something that no medication could touch. My cognitive issues and memory improved; I felt the best I have pre-covid. I am so thankful to have found this therapy!!

Alaina M.

So, I gave it a couple of days to see the results of the Platelet Therapy, and I can say that I am truly amazed at what I am feeling...I can honestly say that one Platelet Therapy knocked out 90% of the pain/discomfort in my shoulder that I have been dealing with for the past 10 months...I am truly blown away at the results because I had a PRP from a natural path in my shoulder 6 months ago and did not get these kinds of results!!!

Dr. Michael Jarembek, DC, FIAMA

I am a 40-year-old female and I suffered with leaking urine when I would sneeze, cough, jump on the trampoline and play tennis. I received my Platelet Therapy injection and within 10 days I could do all those activities without a single drop of urine leaking. I will need another injection in 9 months to a year but that is so much better than embarrassing urine stains or wearing pads.

Erin S.

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Platelet Therapy™ Today!